Thursday, March 17, 2011

I18N Liferay 6.x

Hi today I will share how to use in built Liferay I18N functionality to your custom portlet in Liferay 6.x

It is very simple to add it , for that we need to modify just 2 files.

1.portlet.xml --- In this file add resource bundle entry.

e.g <resource-bundle>content.Language</resource-bundle> --- In this file we need to call below target.

<target name="build-lang">

<antcall target="build-lang-cmd">

<param name="lang.dir" value="docroot/WEB-INF/src/content" />

<param name="lang.file" value="Language" />



Now we need to just add one file with name under docroot/WEB-INF/src/content
from build.xml using ant call buil-lang. That it !!!

1 comment:

Coco LeKat said...

Nice post :)
I ran the ant build from Eclipse JEE Juno and it complained about ECJ not installed. I have fixed that issue by following the steps on this wiki: See Configure Eclipse IDE to use ECJ.